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House clearance

What we do

Every property will have items that fit into three distinct categories. There are items of value that can be sold on in the second-hand market; items that are useable but have no real value which can be be given to charity; and items that are of no real use or value that must be disposed of through the appropriate waste channels - usually, these items are such things as old beds or sofas that do not meet the latest fire safety regulations.


These three distinct categories will create three columns of value: plus, neutral and minus. we simply add the columns up and add in the cost of completing the clearance to give a total. If the property is full of valuable items, we will pay the balance on completion of the sale of the items.


We try, wherever possible to send as much as we can to charity, to minimise the cost of waste disposal


Every clearance will begin with a no obligation survey visit, during which, We will estimate the sum that should be achieved from the sale of chattels.  We will also estimate the cost of clearance and waste disposal


Our range of services


Full and unattended clearances - From removing the food in the freezer to locating and sorting personal papers, photos and documents, we are used to being the only people on site from start to finish. Your dedicated team principle will stay in contact with you throughout the process to inform you of any discoveries made during the clearance process.


Clutter buster - No matter how much stuff has accumulated in the property, it wont be the worst one we've ever done - it probably wont even make the top five! We are very well equipped to deal with the 'insurmountable task' of sorting out a hoarded property


Property searches - Our specialist seekers are able to locate pretty much anything - if it's there, somewhere, we will find it. Whether it's a misplaced wedding ring, that photo album that "must be somewhere" or a childhood toy that you are certain was put in Mum and Dad's loft sometime in the last 30 years. 


Small scale clearances - So you've managed to clear all the personal effects and you've exhausted the charity shops but what to do with the last of the bulky furniture that nobody wants and it wont fit in the back of your car? Call us, we have a team who are dedicated to these smaller jobs but are still driven by the exacting standards of our large-scale clearance operatives.



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